Climate Bet

Betting on

Climate change

Climate Bet - Bet your points on climate change via our Climate Bet! | Product Hunt

Our Climate Bet is a new type of betting app that allows you to learn about climate change and raise awareness about climate change by betting points on climate change questions. Are you now clear on your own position you take on climate change? And do you have the data and information to back it up?

How much is global warming affecting your area? Bet your predictions in points on the questions posed each day!
e.g.) Will your area see its highest daily precipitation this summer to date?
e.g.) Globally, will average temperatures increase over the next week compared to average of the past 10 years?

My favor


The only member (me!) is an ecology major; since I am not a CS major, I'm always open to all sorts of advice and help with development.


Since I'm unable to develop a payment function, I'm distributing 1000 pts to those who register now. Please play as a test user!


I'm plannning to send gift cards to those who play as a test user and win the game.

Are you interested in this new game? Now it's your turn to experience it!

Come on, let's start the adventure together!